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Installing a monitoring system has never been so easy.
7 years of continuous service from just one batteries.
Lithium-thionyl chloride batteries and, of course, Bluetooth 4.0 technology itself with low power protocol. Thanks to Bluetooth Low Energy, the wireless fuel gauge can operate on a single battery for several years.
New, strong, sealed, shockproof protection.
Escort TD-BLE" equipped with an additional protective cover made of impact-resistant polyamide and is highly resistant to various mechanical damage on any type of vehicles, special equipment, in stationary tanks and containers.
The device will not interfere with the operation reversal, power surges, interference and attempts to deliberately disrupt its performance, for example, using a stun gun. As in the case of other equipment manufactured by the Escort Group of Companies, any unauthorized interference with the operation of the TD-BLE will be recorded in the monitoring system.
The wireless fuel level sensor is reliable isolated from dust and moisture, as its housing has a degree of protection IP69S according to GOST 14254. Stable operation of the equipment will not be disturbed by critical temperature drops (-60°+85°C) and atmospheric pressure (57°110 kPa). Due to the thermal compensation algorithm "Escort TD-BLE" automatically corrects the fuel level when the environmental characteristics change.
Even in the most extreme operating conditions, the Escort TD-BLE FLS guarantees continuous and accurate control of fuel consumption!
Compliance with explosion protection requirements< /p>
Wireless fuel level sensor Escort TD-BLE fully meets the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 021/2011 "On the safety of equipment for work in explosive environments". This is confirmed by the EAEU certificate No. RU C-RU.AD07.V.00706/19. Thus, the sensor can be officially used in the transportation of dangerous goods in the Eurasian Economic Community, including Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. To do this, it uses a flameproof enclosure, implemented increased protection class "e", provides intrinsic safety and other mandatory measures for emergency protection.
Setup from your phone
Your employees no longer need to carry laptops with them, since setup can now be done simply with intuitive mobile application installed on the phone. The Bluetooth signal range is at least 10 meters and up to 100 meters (assuming no interference or obstacles).
Compatible with popular trackers.
Wireless fuel gauge "Escort TD-BLE" compatible with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) data transfer technology with popular GLONASS/GPS trackers of such brands as Teltonika, Navtelecom, Neomatica, Queclink, Galileosky, Vega-Absolut, Fort Telecom, Glomos.
Connection to all other types of satellite navigation terminals that have an RS-485 interface and support the LLS protocol is possible via the BLE-BASE wireless base. The base connects directly to the tracker and provides a wireless data transmission bridge between the BLE-BASE and the Escort TD-BLE wireless fuel level sensor.
Measurement error in the workspace, no more than | 1% |
Operating modes | numeric |
Numeral mode: - interface - communication protocol | Bluetooth LE (BLE) BLE escort |
Range (under normal operating conditions in the absence of interference and obstacles when working with the base), not less than | 10 meters |
Data exchange period with base | 10 seconds |
Receiver sensitivity / transmitter power | -96 dB / 4 dB |
Degree of protection of the shell according to GOST 14254 | IP69S td> |
Protection against electric shock according to GOST | class III | Type of protection | intrinsically safe electrical circuit level "ia" |
Explosion protection marking td> | 0ExiaIIBT6 X |
Explosive mixture in accordance with GOST R IEC 60079-20-1-2011 | < td style="text-align: center;">categories IIA, IIB|
Explosive areas according to GOST IEC 60079-10-1-2011 | 0; 1 and 2 |
Operating conditions: - ambient temperature, °С - limiting ambient temperature, °С - atmospheric pressure, kPa - limit atmospheric pressure, kPa | -45 … +50 -60 &helli; +85 84… 106.7 57… 110 |
Overall dimensions, no more than mm | 90x90x(L+38), where L– is the length of the meter in mm |
Nominal gauge length | indicated on the label (pasted in the passport) | tr>
Weight, no more than kg | 0.5+0.4xL, where L–meter length in meters | < /tr>
Sensor length | 2500mm |
Power supply voltage, not more than V< /td> | 3,6 |